Dr. Sam coming 2025

from Aremay Studios & Brooklyn Quarter

After getting fired from his waiter gig, Samesh—a millennial jazz singer about to give up—masquerades as a therapist to pay the rent, unexpectedly leading to a personal breakthrough.

DR. SAM is for the millennial artist who is deeply unsure about continuing to pursue their dreams. Following the COVID19 lockdown, those millennials running from survival job to survival job in order to support their inner need to create found themselves sitting at home with limited creative outlets…and no income. While Gen Z is finding their way into college and Gen X is leaning on their savings accounts, millennial artists have been forced to rebuild, often treated by others as though their artistic pursuits are impractical. Perhaps DR. SAM’s protagonist, Samesh Patel, will inspire internally conflicted viewers to believe, as he does, that they truly are worth what they want.

Hear from Creators Raji Ahsan and Danielle Beckmann

We have raised $16,000.00 of our $50,000.00 goal.