My Story

It used to be very difficult for me to stay present in conversations that became challenging. Immediately, I either wanted to run or fight. I was going to hide or I was going to prove I was right. I did not understand then that I was experiencing the pain of broken connection, and I didn’t want to rebuild it because I was afraid of feeling even more pain.

I still navigate this daily, and I can assure you this is easier for me now. I have learned that choosing to rebuild connection far outweighs avoiding pain. The pay off is remarkable. Our ability to stay present is directly related to how quickly we achieve our goals in relationships: whether with our romantic partners, friends, children, clients or co-workers.

This is a practice, and we can practice together.

It’s all in how you choose to breathe through these moments.


Has it ever happened to you? Perhaps you’re in a meeting with a co-worker or boss. Or you’re chatting with a friend, when all of a sudden you find your heart is racing. Your palms are sweating. Your ears are pounding. Your mind has become foggy. You’re having trouble forming a coherent sentence. You’ve become tense. You feel threatened—perhaps you know why… maybe you don’t—but all the same, you feel you want to protect yourself.

This happens to all of us.


Your body was created to breathe low and slow. It’s the way you used to breathe when you were a child, before traumatic and painful experiences. The human body was designed to breathe and express. Watch an infant express their emotion: it all begins with a breath that moves the rib cage and stomach.

Somewhere in early childhood, we lose the ability to breathe naturally. The breath becomes high and shallow as we perform for the world around us, communicating the way we think we ought, as opposed to the way we truly desire. Still, we unconsciously know there is a way we want to be expressing and receiving—and until we recognize it, we will consistently be at war with ourselves and others.

I have developed a multi-step method that uses breath work to help us quickly process fears, nerves and anxieties, enabling us to remain fully present.

Returning the body to its natural, centered, low and slow breath will help you:

  • clarify your intentions

  • find an emotional safety that allows you to tell the truth

  • quickly replace harmful beliefs with helpful ones

  • discover a centered and grounded vocal tone that invites the listener



I would love to bring my corporate workshop to your business. I have worked with teams and employees from Google, USC, Alix Partners, Counter Culture Coffee, Joe Coffee, Cottonwood Church, and others. These workshops are tailored for the corporate environment in that they:

  • teach teams how to work together effectively and authentically so as to move towards collective goals more quickly

  • impart effective communication strategies that decrease nerves and anxieties in sales and pitch meetings, presentations, interviews, and the like

  • prepare you and your co-workers to take greater risks that will increase the possibilities of greater reward, whether financial or otherwise

Please click here to send me an e-mail.


I would love to work with you one-on-one. Together, in hour-long increments, we talk about where fear has personally held you back. Could you be allowing fearful lies to control the way you communicate with yourself and others? I can teach you to breathe through it and find the truth. Please click here to send me an e-mail.


“Raji reminded us of the importance of being present and how that helps in bringing good intentions when we communicate with each other, especially under high pressures.”

—Sophia, New York City

“It is one thing to make someone a better speaker, but it is special when you help someone become a better person. My sessions with you have been beyond helpful, and I am a better because of you.”

—Anthony, Los Angeles

“I picked up more than just a few good tips around the mechanics of speaking.  Raji’s technical experience, combined with his passion for helping people learn to communicate with the entirety of their being, unlocked something within me that I didn’t even know existed.”

—Ryan, Los Angeles